
Former California Bishop Marc Andrus’ ministry is restricted over ‘inappropriate relationship’

Autor: Episcopal News Service

By David Paulsen

Posted Oct 15, 2024

[Episcopal News Service] Bishop Marc Andrus, who retired from leading the Diocese of California in July 2024, has been restricted in his ordained ministry “due to a credible allegation of an inappropriate relationship with an adult,” The Episcopal Church’s Office of Public Affairs said in an Oct. 15 news release revealing the pending disciplinary case against Andrus.

Bishop Andrus

Bishop Marc Andrus led the Diocese of California for 18 years until retiring from the diocese in July 2024. Photo: Diocese of California

The restriction on Andrus’ ministry, as authorized by the church’s Title IV disciplinary canons, was imposed by the Rt. Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves, former bishop of the Diocese of El Camino Real. Gray-Reeves, has been involved in reviewing several disciplinary cases against bishops as the designate of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

The church’s release provides no further details about the allegations against Andrus. It does not quote Gray Reeves directly, but it says she “and others involved in our Title IV process have been working to solidify a network of pastoral care and mental health support for the parties involved in this Title IV matter.”

The Title IV canons outline disciplinary processes for all Episcopal clergy. Cases against bishops have drawn increased scrutiny across the church in recent years as some Episcopalians, including some bishops, have warned of a perception that bishops are not held to the same standards as other clergy.

Most steps in the Title IV disciplinary process remain confidential, though the presiding bishop or his designate has broad discretion under the canons to make some information public if it is deemed “pastorally appropriate” to do so.

In February 2024, on Curry’s direction and to improve transparency, the church updated its website to create a designated page for information about certain cases involving bishops. Curry indicated then that he and bishops acting on his behalf would release timelines and status updates in select cases when the “matter becomes public.” Church leaders have continued to protect the identities of complainants and withhold other details about the allegations.

The case involving Andrus is now listed among the “current cases” against bishops. The church website specifies that the initial information against Andrus was provided to the intake officer on Oct. 2, and Gray-Reeves restricted his ministry on Oct. 9.

Andrus, one of The Episcopal Church’s most prominent voices on issues of the environment and climate change, led his San Francisco-based diocese for 18 years before retiring from the diocesan post. His successor, the Rt. Rev. Austin Rios, was consecrated bishop coadjutor in May 2024 and succeeded Andrus two months later.

Rios addressed the matter involving Andrus in an Oct. 15 message to the diocese. He said Andrus “will not be able to be in contact with anyone in our diocese” while the case is pending.

“This was difficult news for me to learn, and I know it will be hard for many people in our gathered community to hear,” Rios said. He said he and other diocesan leaders will be available to provide pastoral care to diocesan members and clergy as needed.

“When I became your pastor, I wrote to you about the work we have to do, the trust we have to build, and the wounds we need to entrust to Christ’s healing power,” Rios said. “I did not anticipate that this kind of painful situation would be among our first challenges together. But I believe that by loving God and one another and following the wisdom of Jesus, we will emerge from this difficulty more connected and more committed to the mission of God in our context.”

– David Paulsen is a senior reporter and editor for Episcopal News Service based in Wisconsin. He can be reached at


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