
Series of California earthquakes shake the Bay Area near Hayward

Autor: Lindsay Weber

Series of California earthquakes shake the Bay Area near Hayward

A series of small earthquakes hit near a Bay Area city on Thursday, with the most recent being a magnitude 3.7, according to the US Geological Survey.A 2.7 magnitude earthquake was first reported around 5 a.m. two kilometers east of Hayward. Then, just before noon, a 3.3 magnitude and 3.2 magnitude struck nearby. Just before 2 p.m., a 3.7 magnitude earthquake shook the area. The city sits along the Hayward Fault Line, which runs along the foot of the East Bay hills. Its last major earthquake was a 6.8 magnitude earthquake on Oct. 21, 1868. It destroyed downtown Hayward, killing five people, according to UC Berkeley. No damage has been reported from Thursday’s earthquakes.See a quake tracker from our partner the San Francisco Chronicle:See more coverage of top California stories here | Download our app | Subscribe to our morning newsletter | Find us on YouTube here and subscribe to our channel

HAYWARD, Calif. —

A series of small earthquakes hit near a Bay Area city on Thursday, with the most recent being a magnitude 3.7, according to the US Geological Survey.

A 2.7 magnitude earthquake was first reported around 5 a.m. two kilometers east of Hayward. Then, just before noon, a 3.3 magnitude and 3.2 magnitude struck nearby.

Just before 2 p.m., a 3.7 magnitude earthquake shook the area.

The city sits along the Hayward Fault Line, which runs along the foot of the East Bay hills. Its last major earthquake was a 6.8 magnitude earthquake on Oct. 21, 1868. It destroyed downtown Hayward, killing five people, according to UC Berkeley.

No damage has been reported from Thursday’s earthquakes.

See a quake tracker from our partner the San Francisco Chronicle:

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