
USF President Resigns Suddenly After Decade in Leadership | KQED

Autor: Elize Manoukian

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The president of the University of San Francisco, Paul J. Fitzgerald, has resigned after 10 years in the role.  (Courtesy USF)

After a decade in office, University of San Francisco President Paul J. Fitzgerald resigned on Monday.

Fitzgerald’s sudden departure was announced in an email sent Monday by the USF Board of Trustees to the university community. According to the email, Fitzgerald decided that the time was right “to pursue other opportunities.”

“It has been an honor and privilege to serve as USF’s 28th president,” Fitzgerald was quoted in the email. “I am very proud of all that we — faculty, librarians, staff, administrators, students, and alumni — have accomplished together. I am confident that USF has the people and the vision to enliven its distinctive mission, a mission that is perhaps more critical now than ever before.”

He added: “I am committed to doing everything possible to ensure a seamless transition into a new chapter of leadership for the university’s future.”

Faculty were surprised to learn of Fitzgerald’s resignation, according to Brandi Lawless, president of the faculty association.

“We look forward to building a relationship with the new leadership team, centering faculty voices so that we can build an education for our students that is fit for leaders in the 21st century,” she said in an email to KQED.”

University cabinet members will serve on the transition team, overseeing day-to-day operations. When Fitzgerald was elected in 2014, his tenure symbolized a new focus on social justice for USF, a campus known for its diverse student body.

In recent years, major domestic and international conflicts have played out on campus. When private universities were hurt by a pandemic-driven decline in tuition and enrollment, USF suffered from inflation and other financial strains.

In June 2023, Fitzgerald spoke out against a U.S. Supreme Court ruling barring private universities from considering race in admissions, calling the ruling disturbing in an interview with KQED.

When the USF campus was rocked by protests over the Israel-Hamas war earlier this year, Fitzgerald joined other universities in banning encampments. In a statement sent to the community, Fitzgerald said the university would work to establish a task force to review the school’s investment policies, a step toward student demand for the university to divest from Israeli companies or those who profit from the Israel-Hamas war.

Susu Steyteyieh, a Palestinian student organizer, said the student body was stunned by Fitzgerald’s resignation.

“It’s been a bit hectic,” Steyteyieh said. “We’ve been talking and discussing.”

Steyteyieh said she interacted with Fitzgerald, whom she calls Father Fitz when he met with encampment organizers for open bargaining in May. A few weeks after their meeting, Steyteyieh and other students were placed under a brief suspension.

Steyteyieh hopes that the school’s next leader is able to keep in mind that USF serves students “from different backgrounds and different lived experiences.”

“That’s really the core of USF,” she said. “To hold those values close — that’s the biggest thing.”

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