
San Francisco Giants Promote Their Superstar Prospect

Autor: Brad Wakai

All the attention surrounding the San Francisco Giants is about what they are able to get accomplished at the Major League level this year.

They were aggressive in the offseason, bringing in Bob Melvin to be their manager and spending money on high-profile free agents to completely change the amount of talent on their roster.

So far, there hasn’t been much to show for it.

Heading into July, the Giants will have a month to figure out what direction they want to go before the trade deadline. Much of those decisions will be based on how this team performs, or doesn’t perform, on the field.

There is reason for optimism, though.

San Francisco has been hit hard with injuries during the first half of the year, and the hope is that variance will swing back in their favor to close out the season. But, because of all the players sidelined, that’s given them an opportunity to promote some of their top prospects.

Heliot Ramos has taken his opportunity and run with it, looking like he could be a major part of this franchise going forward after his previous stints didn’t go as expected. Pitching injuries have forced the Giants to rely on some younger arms, and even though very few of those call ups have mounted to much, it’s still Major League experience those players have gained.

The next one up is Hayden Birdsong, who debuts against the Chicago Cubs on Wednesday night.

But while all the attention is placed on the MLB team, there has been some other movement on their farm featuring their superstar hitting prospect Bryce Eldridge.

According to reporter Roger Munter, the 2023 first round pick played his last Single-A game on Wednesday and has been promoted to the High Single-A level.

Eldridge has gotten into a total of 65 games after leaving rookie ball. He’s slashed .270/.344/.456 with 11 homers, 26 extra-base hits, and 49 RBI.

He’ll now get the opportunity to play against higher competition, even though he was already roughly two years younger than those he was facing at Single-A this season.

Ranked as San Francisco’s No. 3 overall prospect, there is a very good chance he’ll be No. 1 next year and climb higher than his 73rd position on MLB Pipeline’s Top 100 list.

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