
San Francisco Giants Offseason Addition Named Second Biggest

Autor: Jon Conahan

As a whole, it’s been a disappointing season for the San Francisco Giants. They’re 37-42 on the year and 11.5 games out in the National League West.

Many of their offseason additions haven’t done anything close to what they were expected to do.

Blake Snell has had as rough of a campaign as anyone could’ve ever predicted. While some expected him to struggle more than he did after winning a Cy Young in 2023, this wasn’t predictable.

From injuries to brutal performances on the mound, Snell has been far from what he needs to be.

Brandon Scott of Bleacher Report ranked the top 10 biggest disasters so far, listing Snell No. 2.

“He has made just six starts for San Francisco and is 0-3 with a 9.51 ERA. His pitching run value is poor, in stark contrast to last season when nearly all of his advanced numbers were exceptional.

“The Giants aren’t very good, but it does beg the question of how much further along they would be if the ace they paid for was actually healthy and pitching like one.”

There’s reason for optimism when it comes to the left-handed pitcher. If he can get healthy and up to speed, it’s tough to imagine a scenario where he continues at a 9.51 ERA and 1.94 pace.

Even in his worst seasons, his ERA is more than double than what it’s ever been.

He made a rehab outing on Sunday, but it didn’t go as planned. The 31-year-old couldn’t even make it out of the second inning in a Triple-A start.

Despite the bad outing, Snell doesn’t want to make excuses. But he does acknowledge that it’s been a frustrating experience.

“Anything I say, it feels like I’m making an excuse,” Snell said, according to Andrew Baggarly of The Athletic. “It’s frustrating.”

Perhaps the lack of a Spring Training is the reason for his injuries and struggles, as Snell said he’s been trying to “rush back.”

“I’ve just been fighting to rush back,” Snell said.

“That’s my take. I’m more frustrated with that. And then you don’t get the product of what I should be. It’s just frustrating. I want to go out there and dominate and pitch how I know I can pitch. But it’s more important that I’m out there. So, yeah.”

The Giants need Snell on the mound and for him to be the pitcher he once was. Fast, too, as they’re already in a hole heading into July.

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