
Salesforce shapes industry-tailored AI strategy targeting 15 sectors

Autor: Lindsey Wilkinson

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Dive Brief

The software provider unveiled an AI Use Case Library with more than 100 AI capabilities aimed at retail, life sciences, healthcare and other sectors.

Published Sept. 9, 2024

A sign is posted at Salesforce headquarters on February 28, 2024 in San Francisco, California.

A sign is posted at Salesforce headquarters on February 28, 2024 in San Francisco, California. The software giant created an AI Use Case Library targeting 15 industries with tailored capabilities and guides. Justin Sullivan via Getty Images

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Dive Brief:

  • Salesforce is doubling down on industry-tailored AI solutions with an AI Use Case Library featuring more than 100 capabilities embedded in its industry clouds, the software giant said Monday
  • The capabilities include generative AI-powered complaint summaries for the financial services industry, vehicle telemetry summarization for automotive organizations and inventory checks for consumer goods businesses. The features target 15 sectors, such as healthcare, life sciences, retail and manufacturing. 
  • Salesforce will make the majority of features generally available in October 2024 and February 2025, with plans to add additional capabilities in the future.

Dive Insight:

Generic generative AI tools can help workers, but as enterprise AI strategies mature, analysts suggest the real value lies in tailored solutions. 

General-purpose models aren’t equipped to tackle complex, sector-specific challenges. However, customizing models internally carries a hefty price tag. Vendors have stepped in to bridge the gap, often partnering to create tailored tools and capabilities. 

EY and Dell introduced industry solutions in February as part of an initiative to integrate the and Dell NativeEdge software platforms. Accenture partnered with AWS and Anthropic in March to ease enterprise adoption with tailored tools. IBM and SAP created a plan to build out generative AI tools for manufacturing, consumer goods, retail and automotive industries in May

Salesforce’s growing portfolio includes a healthcare-targeted AI copilot, industry clouds and a host of customizable solutions.  The enterprise software company is also focusing on generative AI agents to bolster customer success. 

As AI pervades enterprise workflows, cost is a top concern for leaders when purchasing software. Nearly 80% of U.S. organizations saw software prices increase over the past year, according to a July Forrester report. Most blame AI for the ballooning.

While Salesforce’s Industry AI capabilities will be available via its industry clouds, pricing will vary based on specific implementations, the company said in a blog post.

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