
McDonald's at SF's Stonestown Galleria closing Sunday after more than 30 years, owner says

Autor: ABC7 Bay Area Digital StaffDion Lim
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“This is a gut wrenching day for my family,” said owner Scott Rodrick

Monday, June 24, 2024 6:59AM

McDonald's at SF's Stonestown closing after more than 30 years

The McDonald’s at Stonestown Galleria in San Francisco is closing permanently after more than 30 years on Sunday.

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — The McDonald’s at Stonestown Galleria in San Francisco is closing permanently after more than 30 years on Sunday.

News of the closure was confirmed in a statement to ABC7’s Dion Lim.

This is an image of McDonald's at Stonestown Galleria in San Francisco, Calif. on its last day in business on Sunday, June 23, 2024

This is an image of McDonald’s at Stonestown Galleria in San Francisco, Calif. on its last day in business on Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ted Case/KGO-TV

This is an image of the letter announcing McDonald's closure at Stonestown Galleria.

This is an image of the letter announcing McDonald’s closure at Stonestown Galleria.

Ted Case

The Franchisee owner, Scott Rodrick, said there are two reasons for the closure.

First, he said the landlord was unwilling to negotiate a long term and sensible rent for the Stonestown location.

Rodrick said the property taxes and shared tenant mall fees were the highest paid for a single location for the company.

Second, the cost of operating a business in San Francisco continues to accelerate at historic levels, he said. The new $20 minimum wage for California fast food workers contributed to the strain to keep the location open.

MORE: ‘It’s sad’: Oakland In-N-Out grills last burgers Sunday, permanently closing

Sunday was closing day for In-N-Out Burger off Interstate 880 in Oakland.

The McDonald’s located at 255 Winston Drive has been a longtime fixture at Stonestown.

“This is a gut wrenching day for my family,” Rodrick said.

He said all of the employees were offered jobs at nearby locations, and a vast majority of them will remain with the company.

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