
Man arrested in SF after pushing 74-year-old woman into BART train, killing her

Autor: Stephen Ellison

BART police Monday night arrested a man they believe pushed a 74-year-old woman in front of a train in San Francisco and caused her death, BART PD said Tuesday.

In a news release, BART PD said it arrested 49-year-old Trevor Belmont, aka Hoak Taing, who is a transient, on suspicion of pushing the woman into a Millbrae-bound train at Powell Street Station.

The incident occurred at about 11:05 p.m. Monday, police said. The victim was pushed as a train approached, hit her head on the train and fell on the platform.

“The train was arriving at the platform, coming into the platform when the victim was pushed,” BART police Chief Kevin Franklin said. “We believe the suspect intentionally pushed this person into that oncoming train, causing those serious injuries.”

The woman was transported to San Francisco General Hospital, where she later died, police said. She was identified as Corazon Dandan, 74, of San Mateo County, according to the San Francisco medical examiner.

Her nephew said she worked at the Parc 55 hotel, close to the Powell Street Station. Her niece said she was on her way home when the attacked happened.

Belmont was arrested on the platform of the Powell Street Station shortly after the incident. He will be booked into San Francisco County Jail on suspicion of homicide.

“We have had contacts with this person in the past but not for any serious crimes such as this one,” Franklin said.

It’s the first homicide of the year in the BART system.

BART PD was actively investigating the incident, interviewing witnesses, processing evidence and reviewing surveillance video.

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