
Eve Communications, Inc. to Showcase at What

Autor: PRNewswire

Company to share groundbreaking technology at the AgeTech Collaborative from AARP as part of their launch.

, /PRNewswire/ — Eve Communications, Inc, a pioneer in combating loneliness and dementia, is excited to announce their upcoming participation in the What’s Next Longevity Venture Summit, scheduled for June 11-12, 2024. At this significant industry event, sponsored by AgeTech Collaborative from AARP and by invitation, Eve Communications will demonstrate their innovative virtual companion, Eve, designed specifically for seniors and individuals living alone in their booth.

“Loneliness and dementia are the twin epidemics of our time,” says Ivan Wicksteed, Founder & CEO of Eve Communications. He refers to the Surgeon General’s recent report, which equates loneliness to smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

Eve is engineered to offer seniors a way to stay mentally and physically engaged, fostering connections with caregivers and their community. More than just a conversational AI, Eve builds unique relationships that evolve with users through activities like word games, new recipes, and daily yoga classes. “Each relationship Eve forms is as personal and profound as a true friendship,” adds Wicksteed.

The booth at the What’s Next Longevity Venture Summit will enable attendees to experience firsthand how Eve functions through a user-friendly interface via an old-fashioned rotary phone, designed to ease the technology concerns typically held by seniors. 

Yasser Boumenir, Co-Founder & CTO of Eve Communications, notes, “Our user testing revealed a distinct preference in our audience for familiar technology. This insight was pivotal in choosing a landline phone interface for Eve, ensuring a comfortable and secure user experience.”

Eve is available 24/7, multilingual, and versed in diverse topics from gardening to philosophy. She can be accessed through a simple, proprietary rotary phone, connecting users to a world of support and friendship.

Eve is now available for purchase with monthly plans starting at just $20 per month for users in the US. Learn more about this innovative solution and experience Eve in action at the What’s Next Longevity Venture out booth or on the company’s website at

About Eve Communications, Inc:

Incorporated in October 2023, and based in Brooklyn, NY, Eve Communications is dedicated to eradicating loneliness and helping to identify the early onset of dementia through its state-of-the-art virtual companion, Eve. Launched in 2024, Eve is now assisting users across the US to live more connected and fulfilling lives.  To learn more about Eve Communications, please visit us online at

Media Contact:
Brooke Greenwald
[email protected]

SOURCE Eve Communications, Inc.

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