
Closing time arrives for X in San Francisco

Autor: audacy

A view of X headquarters on Market Street in San Francisco.

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA – AUGUST 06: A view of X, formerly Twitter, headquarters on August 06, 2024 in San Francisco, California. X CEO Elon Musk announced plans to close the X headquarters in San Francisco and move to Texas after California passed a law that will ban school districts from requiring teachers to notify parents if their children change their gender identification. Photo credit Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS RADIO) – It’s closing time for the San Francisco headquarters of X, formerly known as Twitter.

Elon Musk, the social media platform’s owner, announced last month that X would be leaving its headquarters of 18 years on Market Street to Austin.

Friday is the official last day for the headquarters in San Francisco.

People in the area told KCBS Radio they aren’t concerned about X leaving,

“Go. Have a good time,” a person told KCBS’ Jennifer Hodges. “I don’t care.”

But many are more concerned about what happens next for the roughly 800,000 square foot building.

“Downtown is kinda sad about all of the empty office spaces,” one person stated.

“I know CCSF has campuses around here, like student housing, something like that,” another person offered.

“Maybe they can put the homeless population in there,” a third person offered.

While the reactions leaned toward “good riddance” and pondering what happens next with the property, there was some concern about what impact losing a company like X will have on San Francisco.

“The only thing that, honestly, saddens me is that San Francisco is going to lose a company that contributes to the income of San Francisco,” one resident told KCBS Radio.

While the headquarters is moving to Texas, an email to company staff stated if they wished to continue working for the company in the Bay Area, they would have to go to San Jose.  An email also stated that there would be a new AI-focused office opening in Palo Alto.

Featured Image Photo Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

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