
AG Marshall warns of Venezuelan gangs crossing the southern border —…

Autor: 1819 News

The influx of Haitian migrants moving into Alabama continues to be a concern, but Attorney General Steve Marshall warned they’re not the only ones flooding the border.

On Wednesday’s episode of “1819 News: The Podcast,” Marshall warned about Venezuelan gangs invading cities across the U.S. and how Alabama could be next in line.

“We are seeing more of the Haitian side of the numbers, at least right now in Alabama. But yet, you’re hearing the stories about Venezuelan gangs. They, by the way, make MS-13 look like choir boys,” Marshall said. “And those are now something that very much is on the radar of law enforcement.”

SEE: ‘A legitimate concern’: AG Marshall weighs in on Haitian migrant relocation in Alabama

He said these bad actors have easily entered the country due to the policies of the Biden-Harris administration and the lack of a proper vetting process.

“It’s a huge waiting list. And remember, these are folks who don’t have to show up at a border crossing to declare the reason why. They’re doing it through an app. They’re flying over here in an airplane, going through certain destinations. And then, at that point in time, from what I can tell from the work that we’ve done since this first came about, there’s no follow-up.

“There’s no understanding of where people have gone. There’s no understanding of where people are employed. There’s no follow-up with sponsors to say, what are you doing to live up to the obligation that you submitted to us to take care of the people that are coming over here?”

While people who expressed concern about immigration are deemed racist by the left, Marshall said the illegal migrants coming in are also often victims of abuse by the system.

RELATED: ‘It’s hurting us’: Sylacauga residents voice opposing opinions on Haitian resettlement during contentious city council meeting

“[T]his is not fair to those individuals that are coming over from Haiti and other places, because if a sponsor is not there to be able to take care of them, what are they? They’re left on their own,” he said. “They don’t speak the language. They don’t understand where to go or what to do. And then they are left potentially to deal with people that aren’t there for good reasons, but instead to be able to take advantage of them.”

He continued, “And so when we have these broader concerns about the welfare of those that are being brought into this country, that’s somehow and other dismissed. And I don’t think at all that’s lost on the people that are just simply saying, how can government do this to us without us even having knowledge to begin with? Because there’s no doubt, I don’t think anybody can argue this, that if you’re brought in this country and you don’t speak the language, there are increased societal costs that will have to be expended to integrate you into society.”

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