
San Francisco Giants Relief Pitcher Named ‘Most Likely to Be Traded’ by MLB Execs

Autor: Jon Conahan

The San Francisco Giants have won two straight, a promising sign as they get into the second half of the season. While the Giants season hasn’t gone as planned, there’s hope that this veteran-led ball club can figure it out and make the postseason.

In the event that they don’t figure it out, it wouldn’t come as a surprise to see them move some pieces that could bring back a decent return.

Jim Bowden of The Athletic polled executives around the league on the “most likely players to be traded” at the deadline, which included relief pitcher Tyler Rogers.

The funky-throwing right-hander has been an excellent arm in San Francisco’s bullpen, a valuable piece for any contending team. However, executives believe he could be traded.

“Rogers has a 2.92 ERA in a majors-leading 40 appearances this year with 27 strikeouts and only two walks.

“The 33-year-old righty with the submarine delivery is affordable ($3.2 million salary this year) and controllable through 2025 as well. He has not allowed a run in 10 of 11 appearances this month. Rogers has a career ERA of 2.96 and has led the league in games pitched in two of the past four years.”

Rogers has pitched 37.0 innings this season, allowing just three home runs along the way.

This isn’t the first time he’s found success, either, posting a 3.04 ERA last year, and a 2.22 in 2021.

33 years old, Rogers could bring back a decent haul. He’s likely not going to bring back any organization’s top prospects, but if they get young players in return who could be used in trades during the offseason, it might not be a bad idea for the Giants.

This all comes down to what they do over the next month. 11.5 games out of the National League West, it doesn’t appear possible for them to win the division. Crazier has happened, but they’d need to play at a ridiculous pace all year.

Despite the below-average play for much of the season, San Francisco only sits three games out for the third Wild Card spot. If they continue to stay at this pace and are three games behind with a few days left before the deadline, there shouldn’t be a reason to sell.

The front office has some tough decisions to make, especially because they could be buyers if they play well in July.

Having an arm like Rogers in the bullpen will help that playoff push, so unless they’re out of it, it’s probably best to keep him around.

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