
Berkeley, California, Earthquake: Tremors Felt In San Francisco, Piedmont, Emeryville, Orinda And Oakland

Autor: TN World Desk

Berkeley, California, Earthquake

Berkeley, California, Earthquake

Photo : AP

A preliminary magnitude 3.4 earthquake struck near Berkeley, California, Saturday morning. Tremors were felt in Piedmont, Emeryville, Orinda, and Oakland. As per the United States Geological Survey, the earthquake struck at around 11:12 a.m. Its epicenter was at John Garber Park, located close to Claremont Canyon Regional Preserve in South Berkeley. No damage or injuries have been reported.

Shortly after the quake, San Francisco Municipal Transit Agency posted, “Due to the earthquake that just took place we will be conducting visual safety checks of infrastructure including in the #subwaysvc. Expect minor service delays.”

The quake occurred a day after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit New Jersey. The epicenter of the quake was about 5 miles north of Whitehouse Station in New Jersey. Tremors were felt in New York City. People also reported feeling the shaking in Maine and Virginia.

“Earthquakes in this region are uncommon but not unexpected. It’s likely people near the epicenter are going to feel aftershocks for this earthquake in the magnitude 2-3 range, and there’s a small chance there can be an earthquake as large or larger, following an earthquake like this,” Paul Earle, a seismologist at the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program told reporters. “In terms of our operations, this is a routine earthquake … Immediately we knew this would be of high interest and important to people who don’t feel earthquakes a lot.”

No major damage was reported in New Jersey or New York

“We have activated our State Emergency Operations Center. Please do not call 911 unless you have an actual emergency,” said New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said officials were assessing impacts.

“A 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit west of Manhattan and has been felt throughout New York. My team is assessing impacts and any damage that may have occurred, and we will update the public throughout the day,” she wrote on X.

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